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Ref : S13801

Theme : Astronauts - Astronauts training  (1725 images)

Title : In the Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF)

Caption :

(07/28/1999) -- In the Orbiter Processing Facility (OPF), the STS-99 crew take part in a Crew Equipment Interface Test (CEIT). Facing the camera and pointing is Mission Specialist Gerhard P.J. Thiele, who is with the European Space Agency. Other crew members in the OPF are Commander Kevin R. Kregel, Pilot Dominic L. Pudwill Gorie, and Mission Specialists Janet Lynn Kavandi (Ph.D.), Janice Voss (Ph.D.), and Mamoru Mohri, who is with the National Space Development Agency (NASDA) of Japan. The CEIT provides an opportunity for crew members to check equipment and facilities that will be aboard the orbiter during their mission. The STS-99 mission is the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), a specially modified radar system that will gather data for the most accurate and complete topographic map of the Earth's surface that has ever been assembled. SRTM will make use of radar interferometry, wherein two radar images are taken from slightly different locations. Differences between these images allow for the calculation of surface elevation, or change. The SRTM hardware will consist of one radar antenna in the shuttle payload bay and a second radar antenna attached to the end of a mast extended 60 meters (195 feet) out from the shuttle. STS-99 is scheduled to launch Sept. 16 at 8:47 a.m. from Launch Pad 39A