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Ref : S05961

Theme : Space Shuttle/Rocket Lift Off  (1100 images)

Title : Space Shuttle Atlantis leaps off the Launch Pad 39A trailing a twin streams of

Caption :

(05/19/2000) -- Space Shuttle Atlantis leaps off the Launch Pad 39A trailing a twin streams of flame from its solid rocket boosters to light up the pre-dawn sky on mission STS-101. Liftoff occurred on time at 6:11:10 a.m. EDT. The mission is taking the crew of seven to the International Space Station to deliver logistics and supplies as well as to prepare the Station for the arrival of the Zvezda Service Module, expected to be launched by Russia in July 2000. Also, the crew will conduct one space walk and will reboost the space station from 230 statute miles to 250 statute miles. This will be the third assembly flight to the Space Station. After a 10-day mission, landing is targeted for May 29 at 2:19 a.m. EDT. This is the 98th Shuttle flight and the 21st flight for Shuttle Atlantis