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Ref : S06020

Theme : Space centers  (148 images)

Title : In the foreground of this aerial photo is the Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) Support

Caption :

(06/02/2000) --- In the foreground of this aerial photo is the Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) Support Complex at Kennedy Space Center. At right is a multi-purpose hangar and to its left is a building for related ground support equipment and administrative/ technical support. The complex is situated at the Shuttle Landing Facility (center). At the upper left is the runway. The RLV complex will be available to accommodate the Space Shuttle; the X-34 RLV technology demonstrator; the L-1011 carrier aircraft for Pegasus and X-34; and other RLV and X-vehicle programs. The complex is jointly funded by the Spaceport Florida Authority, NASA’s Space Shuttle Program and KSC