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Ref : S01552

Theme : Galaxies  (118 images)

Title : A pair of galaxies NGC 5090 - 5091 in Centaurus

Caption :

A pair of galaxies NGC 5090 - 5091 in Centaurus is shown in this photo; they are located at about the same distance as ESO 269-57 and may belong to the same cluster of galaxies. This is an interacting elliptical-spiral system with some evidence of tidal disruption of NGC 5091 (to the left; seen under a steep angle) by NGC 5090 (to the right). The velocity of the nucleus of NGC 5091 has been measured as 3429 km/sec, while NGC 5090 has a velocity of 3185 km/sec. NGC 5090 is associated with a strong, double radio source (PKS 1318-43)