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Ref : S07824

Theme : Space Shuttle/Rocket Lift Off  (1100 images)

Title : Tree branches across the water from Launch Pad 39A provide a frame for the launch

Caption :

(02/07/2001) -- Tree branches across the water from Launch Pad 39A provide a frame for the launch of Space Shuttle Atlantis on mission STS-98. Liftoff occurred at 6:13:02 p.m. EST. Along with a crew of five, Atlantis is carrying the U.S. Laboratory Destiny, a key module in the growth of the Space Station. Destiny will be attached to the Unity node on the Space Station using the Shuttle’s robotic arm. Three spacewalks are required to complete the planned construction work during the 11-day mission. This mission marks the seventh Shuttle flight to the Space Station, the 23rd flight of Atlantis and the 102nd flight overall in NASA’s Space Shuttle program. The planned landing is at KSC Feb. 18 about 1 p.m. EST