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Réf : S08247

Thème : Decollages de fusées-Navettes Spatiales  (1100 images)

Titre : Smoke clouds pour across the ground as the Boeing Delta II rocket carrying the

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

(04/07/2001) --- Smoke clouds pour across the ground as the Boeing Delta II rocket carrying the 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft leaps into the clear blue sky. Liftoff occurred at 11:02 a.m. EDT. The launch sends the Mars Odyssey on an approximate 7-month journey to orbit the planet Mars. The spacecraft, built by Lockheed Martin Space Systems for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, will map the Martian surface looking for geological features that could indicate the presence of water, now or in the past. Science gathered by three science instruments on board will be key to future missions to Mars, including orbital reconnaissance, lander and human missions