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Réf : S08785

Thème : Decollages de fusées-Navettes Spatiales  (1100 images)

Titre : Trees frame Space Shuttle Discovery trailing columns of fire from the solid rocket

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

(08/10/2001) -- Trees frame Space Shuttle Discovery trailing columns of fire from the solid rocket boosters as it soars into the blue sky on mission STS-105 to the International Space Station. Liftoff from Launch Pad 39A occurred at 5:10:14 p.m. EDT. Besides the Shuttle crew of four, Discovery carries the Expedition Three crew who will replace Expedition Two on the Space Station. The mission payload includes the third flight of the Italian-built Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Leonardo, delivering additional scientific racks, equipment and supplies for the Space Station, and the Early Ammonia Servicer (EAS) tank. The EAS, which will be attached to the Station during two spacewalks, contains spare ammonia for the Station’s cooling system. The three-member Expedition Two crew will be returning to Earth aboard Discovery after a five-month stay on the Station