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Ref : S02233

Theme : Earth in Space  (419 images)

Title : 22 May 99-El Nino

Caption :

22 May 99 - New sea surface height measurements from the TOPEX/Poseidon satellite show that the sea level and temperature of the entire Pacific is 'out of balance,' including a large area of abnormally cool water along the west coast of North America that scientists say will influence regional weather patterns along the west coast of the Americas this summer. The unusually cool water (areas of lower sea level shown in blue and purple) extends from the Gulf of Alaska along the North American coast, sweeping south-westward from Baja California, where it merges with the remnants of La Niña. The La Niña phenomenon's cool, lower sea levels across the equator continue to weaken and break into (purple) patches. Areas where the Pacific Ocean is 'normal' appear in green.