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Ref : S02237

Theme : Earth in Space  (419 images)

Title : 06 Jun 00-El Nino

Caption :

06 Jun 00 - After dominating the tropical Pacific Ocean for more than two years, the 1998-2000 La Niña 'cool pool' is continuing its slow fade and seems to be retiring from the climate stage, according to the latest satellite data from the U.S.-French TOPEX/Poseidon mission. These data, taken during a 10-day cycle of collection ending June 9, show that the equatorial Pacific continues to warm up and is returning to normal (green) as this latest, persistent, two- year La Niña episode is coming to an end. Only a few patches of cooler, lower sea levels (seen in blue and purple) remain across the tropics. It should be noted that in June 1999, La Niña barely had a pulse, but was resuscitated in fall 1999.