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Réf : T01179

Thème : Terre vue de l'espace - Montagnes - Collines - Neige - Glace  (539 images)

Titre : Revillagigedo Island, Alaska, U.S.A August 1989

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

Part of the southern Alaskan panhandle is discernible in this photograph. Snow accentuates the ridge lines and peaks in the higher elevations. A small glacier can be seen in the lower-right corner. The light blue water of the Behm Canal, which separates Revillagigedo Island from the mainland of North America, is created by rock-flour sediment that is the result of glacial erosion. The Portland Canal, visible at the bottom of the photograph, forms part of the U.S.-Canada border.