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Ref : T01330

Theme : Looking at Earth - Cities  (375 images)

Title : Metropolitan New York City Area, New York, U.S.A. May 1991

Caption :

It is important to note that color infrared film is designed to enhance vegetation signatures. The film records reflected energy from plants and presents the information as a reddish signature. Central Park in the middle of Manhattan Island shows green trees and grass as a reddish color. Similarly, a line of rectangular parks (red blocks) can be traced eastward from the borough of Queens toward the other end of Long Island. Other features that are discernible in this photograph are three large airports—John F. Kennedy International, La Guardia, and Newark International—as well as smaller airports southeast of Brooklyn. Some segments of the extensive ground transportation network pattern (even individual thoroughfares and streets) can be identified. The recent scar created by disturbing natural vegetation (highly reflective area) is evidence that a new highway is either under construction or has just been completed through the hill and lake region northwest of the metropolitan area. It appears that this highway is part of an interstate bypass around the metropolitan area and links with Interstate Highway 287.