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Réf : T01866

Thème : Terre vue de l'espace - Villes  (375 images)

Titre : Tulsa and Arkansas River, Oklahoma, U.S.A. September 1994

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

Visible in this west-northwest-looking, low-oblique photograph is Tulsa, settled in 1832 as part of a Creek Indian village and now Oklahoma’s second largest city. Located mostly north of the southeast-flowing Arkansas River, Tulsa is a major financial, commercial, and transportation center of a major oil producing region. Other products include aircraft and aircraft components, electronic components, oil-field equipment, machinery, cement, glass, canned goods, gas and oil wells, oil refineries, and coal mines. With the opening of the McClellan-Kerr Waterway in 1971, a 440-mile (708-kilometer) system linking Tulsa with the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico, Tulsa became an inland port.