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Ref : T01979

Theme : Looking at Earth - Forests  (124 images)

Title : Arkansas River Valley, Arkansas, U.S.A. October 1994

Caption :

A section of the winding, southeast-trending Arkansas River is visible as it flows through Little Rock (middle right edge). This part of the river valley is bordered on the north by the Boston Mountains and on the south by the eastern end of the folded Ouachita Mountains. Individual east-west oriented mountain ridges and valleys are easily discernible north of the Ouachita Mountains. Several dark reservoirs are apparent—Lake Maumelle and Lake Conway, two of the larger reservoirs north of Little Rock, and dark, crablike Lake Ouachita (lower right corner) southwest of Little Rock. Southeast of Lake Ouachita is Hot Springs, a resort area. Cultivated field patterns are observed in the valleys.