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Ref : T03010

Theme : Looking at Earth - Rivers - lakes  (517 images)

Title : Lake Eyre, South Australia, Australia July 1997

Caption :

A large section of the southern end of the Lake Eyre Basin that is located near the northeastern corner of South Australia is visible in this low oblique, northeasterly view. The image presents a rare view of Lake Eyre when such a large quantity of standing water can be seen in the basin, especially the southern basin (lower right corner). The three separate bays of the larger north basin show varying amounts of water in them. From west to east these bays are Belt Bay (westernmost, lower left); Jackboot Bay (small, elongated feature); and Madigan Bay (easternmost bay, ringed by highly reflective surface). The darker surfaces represent standing water. Many irregular–shaped, dry lakes (lighter-colored features) can be discriminated east of Madigan Bay.