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Ref : S10215

Theme : Space Shuttle - Landing  (358 images)

Title : Atlantis and crew return to Earth

Caption :

(04/19/2002) - Atlantis and crew return to Earth, touching down on the KSC Shuttle Landing Facility runway 33, after completing the 10-day, 19-hour, 4.5-million mile mission STS-110 to the International Space Station. The crew comprises Commander Michael Bloomfield, Pilot Stephen Frick and Mission Specialists Jerry Ross, Steven Smith, Ellen Ochoa, Lee Morin and Rex Walheim. Main gear touchdown was 12:26:57 p.m. EDT, nose gear touchdown was 12:27:09 p.m. and wheel stop was 12:28:07 p.m. The crew delivered and installed the S0 truss, which will support cooling and power systems essential for the addition of future international laboratories, on the Station