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Ref : S13020

Theme : Testings - Satellites - Probes - Rockets  (2314 images)

Title : A Loral worker at Astrotech

Caption :

(01/07/1999) --- A Loral worker at Astrotech, Titusville, Fla., assists with an illumination test for circuitry verification on the solar panel of the GOES-L weather satellite. The satellite is to be launched from Cape Canaveral Air Station aboard an Atlas II rocket in late March. The GOES-L is the fourth of a new advanced series of geostationary weather satellites for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. It is a three-axis inertially stabilized spacecraft that will provide pictures and perform atmospheric sounding at the same time. Once launched, the satellite, to be designated GOES-11, will undergo checkout and provide backup capabilities for the existing, aging GOES East weather satellite