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Réf : S13171

Thème : Aviation - Avions NASA-Prototypes  (1538 images)

Titre : During a simulated rescue mission in the woods near the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF)

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

(03/17/1999) --- During a simulated rescue mission in the woods near the Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF), the KSC response team practices lifting an injured crew member to an Air Force HH-60 helicopter for transport to a local hospital. The response team is training for the unlikely scenario of a Shuttle mishap at the SLF. The Mode 7 simulation of an astronaut rescue exercises all aspects of command and control, search and rescue, and medical procedures required for a successful rescue. The remote location of the mock-up prevents a totally land-based crew rescue, and calls on a NASA UH-1 helicopter to locate the site and four Air Force HH-60 helicopters to reach and prepare the 'crew' five astronaut candidates, one representative from the Vehicle Integration Test office, and one fire/rescue worker for preliminary triage. The exercise will conclude with airlifted 'patients' arriving safely in the emergency rooms of participating area hospitals