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Ref : S13362

Theme : Testings - Satellites - Probes - Rockets  (2314 images)

Title : Inside the Space Station Processing Facility

Caption :

(05/07/1999) --- Inside the Space Station Processing Facility, the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) is maneuvered into place to prepare it for launch targeted for September 1999. The primary payload on mission STS-99, the SRTM consists of a specially modified radar system that will fly onboard the Space Shuttle during the 11-day mission. This radar system will gather data that will result in the most accurate and complete topographic map of the Earth's surface that has ever been assembled. SRTM is an international project spearheaded by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency and NASA, with participation of the German Aerospace Center DLR. Its objective is to obtain the most complete high-resolution digital topographic database of the Earth