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Accueil »  Tirages Photos » Astronautique - Divers - Histoire Apollo - etc » S05852
Réf S05852 : A recently installed fertilizerproducing system sits near Launch Pad 39A (upper

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Thème : Astronautique - Divers - Histoire Apollo - etc

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

(04/07/2000) -- A recently installed fertilizer-producing system sits near Launch Pad 39A (upper left background). Using a 'scrubber,' the system captures nitrogen tetroxide vapor that develops as a by-product when it is transferred from ground storage tanks into the Shuttle storage tanks. Nitrogen tetroxide is used as the oxidizer for the hypergolic propellant in the Shuttle's on-orbit reaction control system. The scrubber then uses hydrogen peroxide to produce nitric acid, which, after adding potassium hydroxide, converts to potassium nitrate, a commercial fertilizer. The black tanker at left is collecting the potassium nitrate, which will be used on the orange groves that KSC leases to outside companies

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