Réf T26S : Sky-Watcher 114/900
Réf ALEG01 : Le lot des 12 Ecussons Aviation Grands Modèles
Réf E032 : Ecusson Aviation
Réf T19 : Sky-Watcher 80/400 Eq.
Réf PP070 : Système Saturnien - Voyager
Réf SF2003 : La Recharge Bleue Supplémentaire pour le Fisher Space Pen
Réf DC2 : 1985 - 1995 PERSPECTIVES SPATIALES EUROPÉENNES - Série de 12 Diapositives
La Photothèque Pro
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Stylo de l'Espace - Fisher Space Pen
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Tirages Photos
Terre vue de l'espace - Montagnes - Collines - Neige - Glace
Réf T01733 : Mount Aconcagua, Southern Andes Mountains, Argentina and Chile April 1994
Sélectionnez ci-dessous le format de tirage
que vous souhaitez commander
TIRAGE Haute Définition
40 x 60 cm
23.00 €
20.70 €
125.00 €
50 x 75 cm
29.90 €
26.91 €
140.00 €
60 x 90 cm
45.00 €
40.50 €
170.00 €
80 x 120 cm
75.00 €
220.00 €
100 x 150 cm
109.00 €
290.00 €
*Le transparent est un support translucide
que l'on applique devant un néon
Thème :
Terre vue de l'espace - Montagnes - Collines - Neige - Glace
(La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)
Mount Aconcagua, the highest mountain peak in the Americas (Western Hemisphere) at 22 830 feet (6958 meters) above sea level, is visible near the center of this low-oblique, northeast-looking photograph. Five major snow-covered peaks with summits exceeding 20 000 feet (6100 meters) rise along the north-south axis of the cohesive and massive structure of the Andes Mountains through this area of Argentina and Chile. Mount Aconcagua is the second snow-covered peak from the north. The narrow east-west valley immediately south of Mount Aconcagua contains a section of the Pan American Highway that connects Mendoza, Argentina, with Santiago, Chile. Mount Aconcagua and the snowcapped volcanic peak north of Mount Aconcagua lie within Argentina; the three snowcapped volcanic peaks south of Mount Aconcagua lie directly on the Chile-Argentina border. Several river basins are discernible on the eastern side of the Andes Mountains in west-central Argentina. Where sufficient water exists, mainly from snowmelt from the Andes Mountains, irrigated agriculture occurs in the otherwise dry valleys and basins east of the high Andes Mountains.
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Réf L97 : PERL 62E 16x62 visée directe
971.00 €
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