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Ref : S13497

Theme : Space Shuttle/Rocket Lift Off  (1100 images)

Title : At Launch Pad 17A

Caption :

(06/04/1999) --- At Launch Pad 17A, Cape Canaveral Air Station (CCAS), the launch tower again encircles the Boeing Delta II rocket after being mated with its solid rocket boosters. The rocket is targeted to launch NASA's Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) on June 23 at CCAS. Developed by The Johns Hopkins University under contract to Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., FUSE will investigate the origin and evolution of the lightest elements in the universe hydrogen and deuterium. In addition, the FUSE satellite will examine the forces and process involved in the evolution of the galaxies, stars and planetary systems by investigating light in the far ultraviolet portion of the electromagnetic spectrum