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Ref : S13856

Theme : Testings - Satellites - Probes - Rockets  (2314 images)

Title : Inside orbiter Endeavour's payload bay

Caption :

(08/18/1999) --- Inside orbiter Endeavour's payload bay, a crane lifts the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) for its transfer out of the orbiter to a payload canister. The payload on mission STS-99, SRTM is being removed to allow technicians access to the orbiter's midbody for planned wiring inspections. Endeavour is in the Orbiter Processing Facility. The entire fleet of orbiters is being inspected for wiring abrasions after the problem was first discovered in Columbia. Shuttle managers are reviewing several manifest options and could establish new target launch dates for the balance of 1999 next week. Shuttle Endeavour currently remains slated for launch in early October