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Ref : S06590

Theme : Testings - Satellites - Probes - Rockets  (2314 images)

Title : In Orbiter Processing Facility bay 2 during a Crew Equipment Interface Test (CEIT)

Caption :

(09/16/2000) --- In Orbiter Processing Facility bay 2 during a Crew Equipment Interface Test (CEIT), STS-97 Commander Brent Jett (left) and Pilot Michael Bloomfied (right) check out the cockpit of orbiter Endeavour as part of preflight preparations. The CEIT provides an opportunity for crew members to check equipment and facilities that will be on board the orbiter during their mission. The STS-97 mission will be the sixth construction flight to the International Space Station. The payload includes a photovoltaic (PV) module, providing solar power to the Station. STS-97 is scheduled to launch Nov. 30 from KSC for the 10-day mission