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Ref : S07167

Theme : Space Shuttle - Landing  (358 images)

Title : With its drag chute billowing behind

Caption :

(12/17/2001) -- With its drag chute billowing behind, orbiter Endeavour slows for a full touchdown on Runway 15 at the KSC Shuttle Landing Facility, completing mission STS-108. Endeavour carries both the mission crew and the Expedition 3 crew - Commander Frank Culbertson and cosmonauts Vladimir Dezhurov and Mikhail Tyurin - who are returning to Earth after 129 days in space on the International Space Station. After a mission-elapsed time of 11 days, 19 hours and 35 minutes, Endeavour had main gear touchdown at 12:55:10 p.m. EST (17:55:10 GMT). Nose gear touchdown occurred at 12:55:23 p.m. (17:55:23 GMT); wheel stop at 12:56:13 p.m. (17:56:13 GMT). Rollout distance was 8,941 feet. The landing is the 57th at KSC in the history of the program STS-108 was the 12th mission to the Space Station. This mission was the 107th flight in the Shuttle program and the 17th flight for the orbiter