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Ref : S07332

Theme : Space Shuttle - Landing  (358 images)

Title : Space Shuttle Discovery approaches touchdown on runway 15 at the KSC Shuttle Landing

Caption :

(03/21/2001) -- Space Shuttle Discovery approaches touchdown on runway 15 at the KSC Shuttle Landing Facility. Main gear touchdown occurred at 2:31:42 a.m. EST, nose wheel touchdown at 2:31:54 a.m., and wheel stop at 2:33:06 a.m. The landing on orbit 201 concluded mission STS-102, the eighth flight to the International Space Station, carrying the first Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Leonardo, to the ISS and Expedition Two, a replacement crew for the Station. The 12-day, 19-hour, 51-minute mission returned both the Leonardo and the first resident crew of the ISS, Expedition One, to KSC . Discovery logged 5.3 million miles on this mission. The landing marked the 54th at KSC in the history of the program, and the 12th night landing at KSC