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Ref : S07335

Theme : Space Shuttle - Landing  (358 images)

Title : Viewed from behind

Caption :

(03/21/2001) -- Viewed from behind, Space Shuttle Discovery is seen landing on runway 15 of the KSC Shuttle Landing Facility. Main gear touchdown occurred at 2:31:42 a.m. EST. Nose wheel touchdown occurred at 2:31:54 a.m., and wheel stop at 2:33:06 a.m. The landing on orbit 201 concluded mission STS-102, the eighth flight to the International Space Station, carrying the first Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Leonardo, to the ISS and Expedition Two, a replacement crew for the Station. The 12-day, 19-hour, 51-minute mission returned both the Leonardo and the first resident crew of the ISS, Expedition One, to KSC. Discovery logged 5.3 million miles on this mission. The landing marked the 54th at KSC in the history of the program, and the 12th night landing at KSC