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Ref : S07435

Theme : Space Shuttle - Landing  (358 images)

Title : With its drag chute trailing behind

Caption :

(08/22/2001) -- With its drag chute trailing behind, orbiter Discovery and its crew land on KSC's Shuttle Landing Facility runway 15. Main gear touchdown was at 2:22:58 p.m. EDT, wheel stop at 2:24:06 p.m. EDT. The 11-day, 21-hour, 12-minute mission accomplished the goals set for the 11th flight to the International Space Station: swapout of the resident Station crew, delivery of equipment supplies and scientific experiments, and installation of the Early Ammonia Servicer and heater cables for the S0 truss on the Station. Discovery traveled 4.3 million miles on its 30th flight into space, the 106th mission of the Space Shuttle program. The landing was the first out of five in 2001to occur in daylight at KSC