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Réf : S07725

Thème : Essais - Constructions - Satellites - Sondes - Fusées  (2314 images)

Titre : In the Orbiter Processing Facility bay 1

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

(01/15/2001) --- In the Orbiter Processing Facility bay 1, STS-102 Mission Specialist Paul W. Richards (left) looks on while Pilot James W. Kelly; checks out equipment in Discovery’s payload bay. Above them (left) are two GetAway Special canisters that contain experiments for the mission. Above them is the Canadian robotic arm, used to manipulate modules during the construction of the International Space Station. The crew is at KSC for Crew Equipment Interface Test activities. STS-102 is the 8th construction flight to the Space Station and will carry the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Leonardo. STS-102 is scheduled for launch March 1, 2001. On that flight, Leonardo will be filled with equipment and supplies to outfit the U.S. laboratory module Destiny. The mission will also be carrying the Expedition Two crew to the Space Station, replacing the Expedition One crew who will return on Shuttle Discovery