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Ref : S08430

Theme : Testings - Satellites - Probes - Rockets  (2314 images)

Title : During Crew Equipment Interface Test activities in Orbiter Processing Facility bay 2

Caption :

(05/18/2001) -- During Crew Equipment Interface Test activities in Orbiter Processing Facility bay 2, members of the STS-105 crew check out some of the payload, doing sharp edge inspection. From left are Mission Specialists Patrick Forrester and Daniel Barry, accompanied by a Boeing technician (behind) and the bucket operator (right). STS-105 is the 11th mission to the International Space Station. The payload includes the Multi-Purpose Logistics Module Leonardo, which was built by the Italian Space Agency. Leonardo will be outfitted with 12 racks of experiments and equipment. Discovery is scheduled to launch July 12 from Launch Pad 39A