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Ref : S01829

Theme : Future projects - Exploration of the Solar System  (136 images)

Title : With a number of studies ongoing for possible lunar expeditions, many concepts for living and working on Earth's natural satellite have been examined

Caption :

With a number of studies ongoing for possible lunar expeditions, many concepts for living and working on Earth's natural satellite have been examined. This art concept reflects the evaluation and study at JSC by the Man Systems Division and Johnson Engineering personnel. A sixteen-meter diameter inflatable habitat such as the one depicted here could accommodate the needs of a dozen astronauts living and working on the surface of the Moon. Depicted are astronauts exercising, a base operations center, a pressurized lunar rover, a small clean room, a fully equipped life sciences lab, a lunar lander, selenological work, hydroponic gardens, a wardroom, private crew quarters, dust-removing devices for lunar surface work and an airlock.