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Ref : S02108

Theme : Moons and planets  (174 images)

Title : Voyager 2 view, focusing on Saturn's C-ring

Caption :

This Voyager 2 view, focusing on Saturn's C-ring (and to a lesser etent, the B-ring at top and left) was compiled from three separate images taken through ultraviolet, clear and green filters. On August 23, 1981, when it acquired these frames, Voyager 2 was 2.7 million kilometers (1.7 million miles) from the planet. In general, C-ring material is very bland and gray, the color of dirty ice. Color differences between this ring and the B-ring indicate differing surface compositions for the material composing these comple structures. More than 60 bright and dark ringlets are evident here; the small, bland squares are caused by the removal of reseau (reference) marks during processing.