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Réf : S02143

Thème : Astronomie - Univers - Etoiles - Divers  (83 images)

Titre : Hot Gas Bubble Ejected by Young Star

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

Hot Gas Bubble Ejected by Young Star. These images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 reveal the evolution of bubbles of glowing gas being blown out from the young binary star system Z Tauri. Gas from an unseen disk around one or both of the stars is channeled through magnetic fields surrounding the binary system and then is forced out into space at nearly 300,000 miles per hour (540,000 kilometers per hour). This outflow, which is only about 30 years old, etends nearly 60 billion miles (96 billion kilometers).