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Ref : T01176

Theme : Looking at Earth - Mountains - Hills - Snow - Ice  (539 images)

Title : Adams Lake, British Columbia, Canada August 1989

Caption :

Adams Lake, the long, deep blue lake, is typical of the thousands of glacier-formed lakes in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Substantial variation in relief exists throughout the region—snow-covered peaks more than 7000 feet (2135 meters) above sea level and the surface elevation of Adams Lake 1326 feet (404 meters) above sea level. Located about 35 miles (60 kilometers) northeast of Kamloops, British Columbia, Adams Lake drains southward, eventually reaching the Thompson River, a tributary of the more extensive Fraser River Basin. Logging has left clear-cut areas, which can be identified by regular, generally rectangular shapes. The more highly reflective clear-cut areas stand out in marked contrast to the dark green forested slopes of the low hills and mountains.