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Ref : T01359

Theme : Looking at Earth - Mountains - Hills - Snow - Ice  (539 images)

Title : Sierra Nevada Mountains, San Joaquin Valley, and Mono Lake, California and Nevada, U.S.A. June 1991

Caption :

The northwest-southeast-trending, snow-covered Sierra Nevada Mountains are visible in this low-oblique, southeast-looking, synoptic photograph. The western high Sierra Nevadas gently slope downward to the agriculturally rich San Joaquin Valley, evident along the right quarter of the photograph. Near the top center of the photograph are the northern part of the Owens River Valley and Owens Dry Lake. Spring-fed Mono Lake lies east of the snow-covered Sierra Nevadas. The dark blue saline water of Walter Lake is visible near the bottom left of the photograph. Along the left side of the photograph, the basin and range region of western Nevada is discernible.