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Ref : T01406

Theme : Looking at Earth - Desert - Dunes  (200 images)

Title : Plateaus of Northeast Niger October 1990

Caption :

Two major plateaus of arid northeast Niger are impressive in this near-vertical photograph. The southern edge and escarpment of the Plateau du Mangeni are seen along the northern part of the photograph, while the northernmost edge of the Plateau du Djado is discernible near the southern part of the photograph. Although it is difficult to determine accurately elevation differences between the tops of the plateaus and the valley floors, a reasonable estimate is approximately 1000 feet (300 meters) in the more severe topographic relief areas. These plateaus present major obstacles to ground transportation through this part of the Sahara Desert. Barely visible is a trail (light blue line south of the Plateau du Mangeni) that follows the valley floor between the two plateaus in a general northwest-southeast orientation. The prevailing northeast wind creates visible wind streaks in a northeast-southwest alignment along the western half of the photograph, providing evidence of surface wind erosion of these plateaus.