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Ref : T01600

Theme : Looking at Earth - Desert - Dunes  (200 images)

Title : Great Sandy Desert, Western Australia, Australia June 1993

Caption :

A large section of the Great Sandy Desert is covered in this view of northern Western Australia. The Great Sandy Desert, one of the major deserts of Australia, consists of relatively flat to rolling terrain with numerous dunefields, sandy grasslands, and sand ridges. The transition zone between the Great Sandy Desert and the low mountainous region to the northeast,, known as the Kimberley, is the zone of subtly different color and texture that extends from the coast to roughly the center of the frame. The Indian Ocean spans the upper field of view, from beyond 80 Mile Beach (left), northeastward to Collier Bay (right). King Sound is the sediment-laden bay (middle). Aboriginal reserves occupy the peninsulas flanking King Sound. Beagle Bay is a small inlet on the northwest coast of the large peninsula, known as Dampier Land, west of King Sound. The linear, light-colored feature along the left bottom of the picture is the southeastern end of the Percival Lakes. Ephemeral Lakes Betty and McLernon are the bright features at bottom center.