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Ref : T01673

Theme : Looking at Earth - Desert - Dunes  (200 images)

Title : Mojave Desert, California, U.S.A. April 1994

Caption :

The aridity of the Mojave Desert east of Barstow is evident in this nonvegetated landscape. The darker colors show the low mountains, and the lighter colors reflect the sandy desert valleys. Two large, dry lakebeds, Cadiz and Bristol, and a small, dry lakebed, Dale, are discernible within the sandy desert valleys. The two dark, irregular features along the western edge of the photograph are exposed black lava beds. Two dark, thin lines—Interstate Highway 40 north of the lava beds and a railroad right-of-way further north—traverse the extensive sandy valley. The only other evidence of human development are a dark square field and a small rectangular field adjacent to the Cadiz and Bristol lakebeds.