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Ref : T01692

Theme : Looking at Earth - Mountains - Hills - Snow - Ice  (539 images)

Title : Northeast Texas, Texas, U.S.A. April 1994

Caption :

Parts of northeast Texas, southwest Arkansas, and northwest Louisiana are included in this oblique, northeast-looking photograph. The broad floodplain scar of the meandering Red River is impressive as the river makes a 90-degree east-to-south turn immediately northeast of Texarkana (barely discernible). Much of the broad floodplain is used for agriculture. Several reservoirs identifiable in the three-state area—Wright Patman Lake in Texas and U-shaped Caddo Lake, which straddles the Texas-Louisiana border; Black Bayou Lake in the northwest corner of Louisiana; and Millwood Lake and, to its southeast, elongated Lake Erling in Arkansas. Dark areas denote dense vegetation and woodlands; lighter terrain shows cultivated fields and pastureland. Visible are a section of Shreveport and the runway and apron of Barksdale Air Force Base (lower right corner).