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Ref : T01722

Theme : Looking at Earth - Forests  (124 images)

Title : Lake of the Woods and Red Lake, Minnesota, U.S.A. April 1994

Caption :

Ice- and snow-covered Lake of the Woods and Red Lake are featured in this south-southwest-looking photograph. Lake of the Woods, located in the pine forest region of northwestern Minnesota, southeastern Manitoba, and southwestern Ontario, covers 1485 square miles (3846 square kilometers) and is more than 70 miles (115 kilometers) long. A remnant of glacial Lake Agassiz, the lake has an irregular shoreline and approximately 14 000 islands. Red Lake, divided into upper and lower sections, is 38 miles (61 kilometers) long and covers 451 square miles (1168 square kilometers). Abundant in fish and game, Lake of the Woods and Red Lake are resort areas. The Red River, which separates Minnesota and North Dakota, and Grand Forks are discernible near the upper right of the photograph.