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Ref : T01823

Theme : Looking at Earth - Mountains - Hills - Snow - Ice  (539 images)

Title : Flinders Range, South Australia, Australia March 1994

Caption :

The northern end of the Flinders Ranges in South Australia show up in dramatic fashion (darker and more textured-looking features), highlighting the oldest and most rugged mountains in Australia. This chain of mountains is mostly made up of sedimentary rock with steep ridges and deep gorges. Several elevations in this section of the Flinders Ranges exceed 3000 feet (915 meters) above sea level. The landscape has a rich heritage of mining activities that have included copper, silver, gold, and coal. These ranges have also provided a favorable environment for farmers, pastoralists (sheep), and the Aboriginal peoples. The small “white” spot (slightly above and left of center) is where Leigh Creek, an oasis in an otherwise arid setting, is located. This town is known for the mining of a brown coal. A small section of the northeast shoreline of dry lake, Lake Torrens (light colored feature), is visible in the upper left corner of the picture. A barely discernible string of dry lakes can be traced to the north from the Leigh Creek area.