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Ref : T01885

Theme : Looking at Earth - Desert - Dunes  (200 images)

Title : Phoenix Area, Arizona, U.S.A. September 1994

Caption :

Clouds and shadows obscure part of the dark, rectangular, irrigated field patterns west, southwest, and east of urban Phoenix. Residential, commercial, and industrial concentrations are hard to distinguish; however, Sun City, a retirement community northwest of Phoenix, is easily recognized because of its darker, circular features (golf courses, reservoirs, and parks). U.S. Highway 60 (Grand Avenue) traverses Sun City and the west side of Phoenix in a generally northwest-southeast direction. Lake Pleasant and its dam are clearly visible, and the Agua Fria River flows almost due south from Lake Pleasant, west of Phoenix, to the Gila River. Small South Mountain, south of Phoenix, and other hills and low mountains appear as various shades of brown.