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Ref : T02046

Theme : Looking at Earth - Mountains - Hills - Snow - Ice  (539 images)

Title : Malaspina Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A. October 1994

Caption :

Several alpine glaciers and Malaspina Glacier, with its lobate, concentric banks of terminal, ground, and recessional moraines, are easily discernible in this photograph. Malaspina is a classic example of a piedmont glacier that forms when valley glaciers coalesce over relatively flat land at the base of a mountain range. Immediately west of Malaspina Glacier, Agassiz Glacier curves toward Icy Bay, and to the east Hubbard Glacier flows into the northern end of Yakutat Bay. In the upper-left corner of the photograph, Logan Glacier is visible flowing westward into the Chitina River Valley. The Saint Elias Mountains north of Malaspina Glacier contain Mount Saint Elias [elevation 18 008 feet (5489 meters) above sea level] and Mount Logan [19 850 feet (6050 meters) above sea level]. The large ice field between these two peaks is Seward Glacier, which is located in the Yukon Territory of Canada.