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Ref : T02108

Theme : Looking at Earth - Forests  (124 images)

Title : Central Oregon Cascades and Three Sisters Peaks, Oregon, U.S.A. October 1994

Caption :

Visible in this low-oblique, north-looking photograph are the snowcapped peaks of the Three Sisters Volcanoes—North Sister, the oldest of the three, a stratovolcano 5 miles (8 kilometers) wide; Center Sister; and South Sister, the youngest and highest at 10 358 feet (3158 meters). The last major eruption of South Sister occurred nearly 1900 years ago. Mount Bachelor, a famous skiing attraction south of South Sister, is a monogentic volcano 9060 feet (2764 meters) high. Numerous lakes are apparent north to south—Lake Cultus, Crane Prairie Lake, Waldo Lake, Wickiup Reservoir, Davis Lake, Odell Lake, and Crescent Lake. West of Odell Lake and Crescent Lake is Diamond Peak, a shield volcano probably less than a 100 000 years old and the dominant landform in this region. Heavily forested Willamette National Forest and the clear-cutting patterns of lumber companies east of the lakes in the Deschutes National Forest are discernible.