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Ref : T02132

Theme : Looking at Earth - Volcanos  (181 images)

Title : Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, U.S.A. July 1995

Caption :

In this spectacular, near-vertical photograph, steam can be seen blowing generally to the south from Puu Oo Crater, now filled with hot lava. The main crater of Kilauea and the smaller crater of Halemaumau are captured just left of the center of the photograph. A string of craters extends eastward along a rift zone from Kilauea Crater to Puu Oo Crater. Most of the volcanic activity since 1980 has been along this rift zone. The hot lava from Puu Oo travels down the mountainside (dark area) to the ocean through lava tubes, entering the ocean (steam pall) along the eastern side of the newly built Kamoamoa Delta. The lava flows, which covered roads and subdivisions in the eruptions that occurred in l983 and l990, are discernible as dark-colored flows to the east of the steam palls. Near the northwest edge of the photograph, old lava flows from Mauna Loa Volcano can be seen. Nonvolcanic features are the Olaa Rain Forest north of Kilauea Crater and some agricultural field patterns in the area southwest of Kilauea Crater.