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Ref : T02431

Theme : Looking at Earth - Volcanos  (181 images)

Title : Colima Massif, Mexico January 1986

Caption :

The smoking Colima Volcano (center of the photograph, with the direction of its plume flowing west to east) can be seen in this near-vertical photograph. The volcano, which is more than 13 990 feet (4264 meters) above sea level, is part of a larger structure, the Colima Massif, which is visible above it. These mountains are about 75 miles (120 kilometers) south of Guadalajara (the city is not on the photograph). Colima has been Mexico’s most active volcano, with a total of 49 recorded eruptions since 1560. Light brown ash covers the summits of both peaks. The dark green forested regions cover the flanks of the massif and turn to a lighter green over the agricultural region at the base of the massif and throughout the surrounding valleys. To the north of the Colima Massif, the small city of Guzmán and a small lake can be seen. The canyon of the Tamazula River is visible running north-south to the east of the Colima Massif. To the southwest of the Colima Volcano, the canyon of the Comala River can be seen. High, thin cirrus clouds extend northward just to the west of the Colima Massif.