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Ref : T02843

Theme : Looking at Earth - Volcanos  (181 images)

Title : Klyuchevskaya Volcano Eruption, Russia October 1994

Caption :

Klyuchevskaya Volcano Eruption, Russia October 1994. When this image was obtained, an eruption of Klyuchevskaya Volcano, one of the most active volcanoes on the Kamchatka Peninsula, was underway. Klyuchevskaya Volcano reaches an altitude of 15580 feet (4752 meters) and is the highest mountain in eastern Russia. The volcano is located on the Kamchatka peninsula and is a part of the Pacific “Ring of Fire.” The large eruption plume, coming from the summit of the volcano, can be seen spreading ash on the snow-covered regions to the east and southeast. The eruption cloud reached 60000 feet (18300 meters) above sea level, and winds carried ash as far as 640 miles (1030 km) southeast from the volcano into the North Pacific air-routes-impacting up to 70 flights per day. This eruption of Klyuchevskaya was considered to be its largest for the volcano in the past 45 years. Minor eruptions have occurred into the late 1990’s from the volcano