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Ref : T02895

Theme : Looking at Earth - Desert - Dunes  (200 images)

Title : Krytar Coast, Aden, Yemen November 1990

Caption :

The narrow, arid Krytar Coast and the important coastal city of Aden can be seen in this northwest-looking view. The southern Asir Mountains are visible across the top portion of the image. The waters of the Gulf of Aden covers the bottom half of the image. Strategically located just to the east of the Strait of Mandab, the entrance into the Red Sea (not on image), the city of Aden (near the center of the image) is the capital and chief port of southern Yemen. It has a large oil refinery and industries that manufacture soap, cigarettes, and salt. The city and its major port is a major refueling stop for ships and a trading center. Numerous wadis (waterways), which can carry water to the coast during the short rainy season, can be seen coming out of the mountains to the north and reaching southward toward the Gulf of Aden. The irrigated area along the right center of the image is part of a river valley that extends to the coast and the city of Zinjibar.