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Ref : T02923

Theme : Looking at Earth - Volcanos  (181 images)

Title : Adonara, Flores, Lomblem Islands, Indonesia July 1994

Caption :

Numerous volcanic peaks can be seen in this spectacular southwest-looking view of the Indonesian Islands of Flores, Adonara, Solor, and Lomblem. Extending from near the upper right to near the center of the image is the eastern half of Flores Island. Over 233 miles (375 km) long, Flores has many landscapes, including lush paddy fields, arid plains, rugged hills, and dense jungles. The coastline has few inlets and there are no large rivers on the island. There are however, numerous volcanoes, fourteen of which are active. Flores Island is considered to be one of the most geological unstable places on earth. Copra, rice, maize, and coffee are grown on the fertile volcanic soils and cattle are also raised. The small, elongated island east (left) of Flores is Solor Island. This small mountainous island, with at least 5 volcanoes, is 25 miles (40 km) long and 4 miles (6 km) wide. Raising copra and fishing are the main industries of the island. The larger island to the east (left) of Flores is Adonara Island with its major active volcano, Ile Boleng. The volcano is visible just to the left of a line of clouds on the southeastern part of Adonara. Adonara covers an area of 224 sq. miles (580 sq. km) and is 23 miles (37 km) long and 11 miles (18 km) wide. At the bottem left of the image, the western third of the irregular shaped and volcanic island of Lomblem is discernible.