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Ref : S10166

Theme : Space Shuttle/Rocket Lift Off  (1100 images)

Title : As Space Shuttle Columbia hurtles into the predawn sky on mission STS109

Caption :

(03/01/2002) - As Space Shuttle Columbia hurtles into the pre-dawn sky on mission STS-109, its brilliant exhaust spreads across the launch pad and nearby water. Liftoff of Columbia occurred at 6:22:02:08 a.m. EST (11:22:02:08 GMT). This was the 27th flight of the vehicle and 108th in the history of the Shuttle program. The goal of the mission is the maintenance and upgrade of the Hubble Space Telescope, to be carried out in five spacewalks. The crew comprises Commander Scott D. Altman, Pilot Duane G. Carey, Payload Commander John M. Grunsfeld, and Mission Specialists Nancy Jane Currie, Richard M. Linnehan, James H. Newman and Michael J. Massimino. After the 11-day mission, Columbia is expected to return to KSC March 12 about 4:35 a.m. EST (09:35 GMT)