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Ref : S13281

Theme : Astronotics - Misc. - Apollo History - etc.  (108 images)

Title : The oneinch mirror shown here is one of nearly nine hundred polished by dozens

Caption :

(04/14/1999) --- The one-inch mirror shown here is one of nearly nine hundred polished by dozens of students teams of elementary, middle and high school students across the nation as part of STARSHINE, a student spacecraft built by the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C. After being coated with a protective transparent layer of Silicon Dioxide at Hill Air Force Base, they are being mounted on the surface of the spacecraft. STARSHINE is being deployed into a highly inclined low-earth orbit from a Hitchhiker canister on mission STS-96, targeted to launch May 20. After deployment from the Shuttle in May, the spacecraft will reflect flashes of sunlight to observers on the earth during the mission. This twinkling satellite will be naked-eye visible against the star background for about six months during recurring morning and evening twilight periods to student observers around the world